BC: Guest Blog - Kelowna Getting Too Expensive

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/01/12

Bill Shumborski of Kelowna chimes in with a guest post on property tax hikes in his city:

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation so eloquently tells us that "It will be another expensive year for taxpayers" and, they are right!

I have lived and, owned a home in Kelowna since 2008 and, during the preceding six (6) years my Municipal taxes have increased 21.46% or an, average of 3.57% annually. I believe that this consistent rate of tax increase is well in excess of inflation and, population growth. You can not possibly appreciate my disappointment to hear our new Mayor, Colin Basran indicate that we should expect a 3.5% increase in Municipal taxation for 2015. Now that the election is over it appears as though Municipal Government in Kelowna is more of the same!

It seems to me that Mayor and, Council supported by top staffers who make substantial six (6) digit incomes fail to understand the impacts of sustained excessive taxation. I for one, want to advise my Mayor and Council that consistent taxation increases in excess of inflation and, population growth is unacceptable.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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